Support: Interface: main functions | Sanely Czech Republic

How do I create an account in Sanely?

To register with the Sanely cacheback service, click the ‘Sign up’ button on the top right of the page. Then fill out the form that appears and click on the ‘Sign up’ button to complete your registration. Join Sanely and start getting some of your shopping money back today!

How to activate and get cashback at Sanely?

To activate cashback, find the shop you need on our website and hover over its card. The ‘Get cashback’ button will appear - click on it to go to the partner shop's website or click on the shop's logo to learn more about it. Then simply make your purchase as usual, fulfilling the conditions for receiving the cashback.

Brief description of the interface

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Let's take a look at the top control panel: here you can find the search bar, where you can quickly find the desired shop by its name. Next to it is the "Categories" button, when you click on it, a pop-up window with available shop categories opens. On the right side you will find an icon for selecting the country and language. Also on the panel there is information about the cashback in the selected currency, and next to it there is an arrow to access the additional menu.

On the main page you will see a list of popular shops and categories for easy navigation.

In the "footer" of the site there is a quick menu for navigating through different sections and a country and language switch, which makes it easy to navigate the site.

How to add a payment number to withdraw funds?

After authorization, you need to go through the top menu (top right) to the “Withdrawal of funds” section. Here, after the money conversion board, there is a card with the “+” sign, clicking on which you will see the payment system selection fields and its numbers. Then the entered data must be saved by clicking on the “Add” button.

How do I change the payment number for withdrawal?

To change your withdrawal payment number, go to the card with the payment method you are interested in. Click on the pencil icon in the top right corner of the card and an edit box will appear. Make the necessary changes and click the ‘Save’ button to confirm. If you want to cancel the changes, click on the cross.

How to remove a withdrawal payment number?

To delete a withdrawal payment number, navigate to the card with the number. Click on the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the card to open the edit field. Then click the ‘Remove’ button to delete the number. If you change your mind and want to cancel the process, just click on the cross.

How do I convert funds from one currency to another?

To convert funds from one currency to another, go to the ‘Withdrawal of funds’ section. On this page, under the cards of payment methods you will find a scoreboard where you can select the desired currency and make the conversion at the current rate.

Conversion is not necessary, we check the currency of the country before payment and transfer the funds ourselves if your bank supports a different currency.

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Here you can save up to 50% on online purchases

Payouts from $2

Выплата срдедств от $2

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