Percentage rate
Paid order – ₹40
Waiting time
Average waiting time - 23 days
Percentage is indicated taking into account 1th level
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All coupons & promo codes at CabBazar for March-April 2025
300 ₹ Discount promo code
Upto Rs. 300/- off on cab booking
- Minimum booking price must be above Rs. 15K - The discount amount depends on the booking price. Rs. 300/ off for booking price >= 40K Rs. 250/ off for booking price from 30K to 40K Rs. 200/ off for booking price from 20K to 30K Rs. 100/ off for booking price from 15K to 20K
Open-ended promotion
500 ₹ Discount promo code
Rs. 500 discount for New Customers
- Coupon applicable for new customers only - Minimum booking price must be Rs. 40K
Open-ended promotion
50 ₹ Discount promo code
Rs. 50 discount for New Customers
- Coupon applicable for new customers only - Minimum booking price must be Rs. 3K
Open-ended promotion
300 ₹ Discount promo code
Rs. 300 discount for New Customers
- Coupon applicable for new customers only - Minimum booking price must be Rs. 35K
Open-ended promotion
200 ₹ Discount promo code
Rs. 200 discount for New Customers
- Coupon applicable for new customers only - Minimum booking price must be Rs. 20K
Open-ended promotion
100 ₹ Discount promo code
Rs. 100 discount for New Customers
- Coupon applicable for new customers only - Minimum booking price must be Rs. 15K
Open-ended promotion
300 ₹ Discount promo code
Upto Rs. 300/- off on cab booking
The discount amount depends on the booking price. Rs. 300/ off for booking price >= 30K Rs. 200/ off for booking price from 20K to 30K Rs. 100/ off for booking price from 10K to 20K Rs. 75/ off for booking price from 5K to 10K Rs. 50/ off for booking price from 2.5K to 5K Rs. 25/ off for booking price < 2.5K
Open-ended promotion
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