Percentage rate
Job Completion – 2%
Waiting time
Average waiting time - 31 days
Percentage is indicated taking into account 1th level
Get cashback in HONK US
HONK is an innovative company changing the towing and roadside assistance experience for motorists, service providers and insurance companies. HONK's primary goal is to make roadside assistance a key element of its customer retention strategy. In recent years, the company has invested heavily in its digital platform, enabling it to achieve record customer retention rates for its roadside service partners. HONK actively partners with leading companies in various industries such as transportation and market logistics. Since its founding, the company has partnered with thousands of towing and roadside service providers, helping millions of motorists get back on the road safely in challenging situations.
How to always receive cashback in HONK US?
To receive a cashback, you must observe the following rules:
- Disable adblock and other extensions blocking sponsored links
- Disable third-party cashback service extensions
- We recommend using coupons and promo codes published only on our service
- Add item to cart after clicking on the link
- Pay for the goods in one session (6 hours)
- Use one device to make a purchase
- Make a purchase in one tab
- Disable antivirus blocking sponsored links
United States of America
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