Получайте выгодный кэшбэк для вашего бизнеса
Тратьте на нужды вашего предприятия как обычно и получайте кэшбэк обратно!
Посмотреть примерыТратьте на нужды вашего предприятия как обычно и получайте кэшбэк обратно!
Посмотреть примерыВаш бизнес расширяетеся и вам требуется закупить новую: технику, мебель, сервисы или найти подрядчика для ремонта в новом офисе. Всё это довольно затратно, но вы можете вернуть часть средств за эти покупки обратно!
Подходит для: владельцев бизнеса, HR, секретарей, системных администраторовУра! Вы едете в другой город или страну! На вас возложили задачу купить билеты на самолет и выгодно забронировать номер в отеле. С кэшбэком в стоимость поездки выйдет немного дешевле.
Подходит для: владельцев бизнеса, HR, секретарей, наёмных работниковВы можете получать кэшбэк не только за физические товары, но и за регистрацию домена, обучение сотрудников, кассовое оборудование от «Первый ОФД», за антивирус Касперский и многие другие
Подходит для: владельцев бизнеса, HR, наёмных работниковWhat is cashback and how does it work?
Cashback is a refund of part of the money spent on purchases in online shops. The process is simple: after paying for the goods, the shop returns part of the amount to the cashback service, and we, in turn, pass most of this amount to you. Register with us and start learning what cashback is on the example of your own purchases today!
Which shops are eligible for cashback at Sanely?
You can receive cashback at various online shops listed on our website. For a full list of shops, go to the "All shops" section and select the one that suits you.
Is cashback legal?
Yes, it is completely legal to use cashback services. Cashback is a form of marketing reward in which shops refund a portion of the purchase price for referring customers. These payments are part of agreements between shops and cashback services and are designed to incentivise sales. It is simply a way for you to get some of your expenses back, while complying with all legal regulations and terms and conditions of partnership programmes.
Which cashback payment method should I choose?
The choice of payment method depends on the amount you have saved. You can withdraw funds starting from $2 to a mobile phone number or to YouMoney (former Yandex.Money). To withdraw to a bank card you need to accumulate $15. Choose the most convenient way for you and get your funds quickly and easily!
Sometimes there may be restrictions on the minimum thresholds of cashback payment depending on the country, if this happens, we will contact you and offer the most convenient option for you.
How does Sanely cashback work?
Cashback at Sanely is based on partnerships with online shops. We sign contracts with shops that are willing to pay us to attract customers. In turn, we share part of these funds with you, allowing you to get money back on every purchase and save money!
In which countries is the Sanely cashback service available?
Sanely is an international cashback service available to users all over the world. We work with all countries and offer flexible withdrawal options. If none of the payment methods offered on the platform suits you, please contact our support team.
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